DIY Glowing Specimen Jars

October 26, 2022

Looking for some easy last-minute Halloween decorations to spookify your home? Well, look no further. These DIY glowing specimen jars look like something straight out of Dr. Frankenstein’s laboratory. They couldn’t be easier and best of all, they are super inexpensive. All you need are some recycled assorted-sized jars, highlighters, and some random creepy stuff from the Dollar Tree. This is a great Halloween craft to do with the kiddos! My son was totally into it. Here’s how you make these jars…

I saved all these pickle, olive, and jalapeno jars specifically for this project because they were all different heights. Start by taking the bottom off a highlighter with some pliers then popping out the ink insert. I like to use the yellow and green highlighters because they show up the best in the black light. Toss that into a jar partially filled with water and let the highlighter juice seep into the water (about 24 hours). You don’t want to fill the jars all the way up initially because they will overflow when you start stuffing them with the creepy crawlers.

Remove all the ink inserts from the jars with some tongs. Now for the fun part. Add all your creepy items to the jars. I used bugs, one of those snakes that grows in water, and some eyeballs. Now fill the jars the rest of the way up with water.

Spray paint the jar lids black or any color you want, really. Bonus points if you hot glue something to the top of the lids. I opted for these tiny plastic skulls I had lying around.

Now just grab a black light and watch your creation come to life! Cue mad scientist laughter. Seriously, how cool are these though? They are by far my favorite Halloween DIY to date. Let me know if you make any of these by tagging me over on Instagram @builditthrifty. Happy crafting and Happy Halloween!

Build It Thrifty

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