I am beyond excited to be participating in this year’s Spring One Room Challenge! For the next eight weeks, I will be creating a Dreamy Guest Room with everything from wallpaper down to a painted piano. This time around they’ve partnered with Apartment Therapy! Here is a look at the mood board…

Dreamy Guest Room Checklist:
- Build a platform bed
- Build a slat wall
- Skim coat my super textured walls so wallpaper will actually stick
- Hang wallpaper
- Paint the piano
- Add new trim and baseboards and paint
- Paint the doors
- Install dreamy light fixtures
Before Pics:
Here are some before pics of the room I am working with. The layout is almost identical to my son’s ORC room as they are connected by a Jack and Jill bathroom. I got a little over excited and already removed all the furniture and pretty much stripped everything bare. There wasn’t much going on in here before that anyway. It seriously had no character whatsoever. So boring, just a place to sleep…totally blah.

After rearranging our living room, I had no place for my piano and it had to be moved into the guest room. I kind of like it in there though, it’s unexpected. The plan is to paint the piano. Scandalous, I know! People have strong opinions about painting a piano. Mine has definitely seen better days and has acquired lots of scratches, dings, and water spots over the years. It’s definitely time for a makeover.
I saw the picture below on Pinterest and it’s seriously a whole vibe. I’m still not 100% on the color. If I do go pink, it will probably be more muted than this. I’ve been known to change my mind at the last minute though so who knows what color it will end up!

I still have lots of design decisions to make like bedding, side tables, decor, etc. but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. I have plenty of big stuff to do first and I’m hoping everything else just falls into place after that. We’ll talk products in more detail in upcoming posts and, as always, I’ll link everything.
So, what do you think of the room? Won’t it be dreamy? I don’t know how you could not get a good night’s sleep in there. I can’t wait to get started! This will be my third ORC and I may be the most excited about this one! After not participating in either ORC last year, you better believe that I am ready to rock and roll, my friends. Be sure to follow along here and on Instagram @builditthrifty for all the details.
Also be sure to follow @oneroomchallenge and @apartmenttherapy #oneroomchallenge #orcat if you want to see more amazing room transformations!
Links to my previous ORC rooms:
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